Indoor Ag Science Café

Indoor Ag Science Café


Indoor Ag Science Café is an open discussion forum, planned and organized by the OptimIAADVANCEA & CEA Herb project teams.

The videos archived on this page are hosted by the ADVANCEA Project team. Previous Indoor Ag Science Café recordings are available on the Indoor Ag Science Café YouTube Channel & OptimIA project website.

These projects are funded by the USDA Specialty Crop Research Initiative.

Indoor Ag Science Café #69

“State of Industry by ADVANCEA – Truth Behind the Data” by Dr. Guil Signorini (Ohio State University) & Chris Higgins (HortAmericas)

Indoor Ag Science Café #64

“DENSO's approach to smart agriculture in CEA” by Tadahiro Ohara (DENSO, Japan)

Indoor Ag Science Café #68

“Wavelength Selective Covering and Photovoltaics Integrated Greenhouse Systems” by Murat Kacira (University of Arizona)

Indoor Ag Science Café #65

“GPEC - A tradeshow for CEA innovations” by Chieri Kubota (Ohio State University), A.J. Both (Rutgers University), & Keiya Satoh (Rutgers University)


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